Live from London

jeudi 12 juin 2014

Day 1 - Monday, March 10th 2014

Today, we got up very early.
We took our train at 6:18 am and we arrived in Paris Gare Montparnasse  around 9:30 am.

We had a tour around Paris by bus, we saw the "Obélisque", the Eiffel Tower, "Le Moulin Rouge", etc...

At lunch, we ate in "La Gare du Nord".

And we waited for the Eurostar until 1:00 pm.
Our trip lasted nearly two hours.

We arrived in London around 3:00 pm.

We took a bus to go to Stradford, it was cold.
We went to the Aquatic Centre and we saw the swimming pool built for the Olympics Games of 2012, the Arcelor Mittal Tower and the Stadium.

Then we walked along the Wesfield shopping centre.

We came back to the bus and we went to Lee where we met our host families.

NOVA Leslie and DUMAS Ilian

4ème Section €uro 

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